Food Pantry
On Sundays from 12:00-1:00pm, The Elizabethtown First Church of God offers food to anyone who is in need, no IDs required, no questions asked. We work in conjunction with Midwest Food Bank, From the King Ministries, Weis Market, and The Masonic Village Store, all of which help provide food and supplies to those in need in the Elizabethtown area. All are welcome!
Whatever you find yourself using could likely bless others (canned soups, vegetables, mac & cheese, pasta, milk, eggs, diapers, baby wipes, bath soap, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc.).
Non-perishable donations can be left on the table in the covered porch at the back of our church anytime. Perishable donations can be made by calling our office at 717-367-7060.
We need volunteers to help with the pantry every Sunday from 11:00 - 2:00.